Guided tours of the museums in Siena

In this page you find some recommendation about guided tours of the museums in Siena.

Siena and its museums: guided tours

After taking a nice walk, you can take many beautiful guided tours to the museums of Siena to deepen your knowledge of the city. As a licensed guide, I can provide guided tours in the museums of Siena, both in state and civic museums but also in private museums.

There are many types of museums in Siena and therefore guided tours can be organized that best reflect the visitor's interests and needs. Guided tours are usually for small groups and individuals but you can contact me for other needs. Write to me also to know the accessibility conditions of the museums of Siena so that I can think of a tailor-made itinerary for visitors with specific needs.

Here you will find some examples of guided tours in the museums of Siena.

guided tours museums siena

The Cathedral of Siena

The Siena Cathedral complex is certainly one of the places not to be missed. Various museums in Siena are part of the Duomo complex where guided tours can be organized. The Cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin is a place of prayer but it is also a very rich museum where works of excellent Italian artists such as Michelangelo, Donatello, Pinturicchio, Beccafumi, Bernini, Vecchietta, Francesco di Giorgio Martini are preserved.

guided tours museums siena

The Cathedral and its art treasure

The floor made of marble inlay is unique and Giorgio Vasari described it as the most beautiful, "great and magnificent floor that could never have been made". The floor is not always completely visible, it is generally discovered in full from mid-August to the end of October. Inside the Cathedral there is a separate hall, the Piccolomini Library, entirely frescoed by Pinturicchio at the beginning of the sixteenth century and to which the young Raphael also collaborated.

guided tours museums siena

Duomo Museum

The Museo dell'Opera is part of the Duomo complex, where many works that were once inside the Duomo are kept. From the museum you can access the Facciatone, what remains of the unfinished facade of the new Duomo and from which you can enjoy a wonderful panorama of the city.

A path in the Sienese civic life

Guided tours of the museums of Siena can be dedicated to the civic theme: the Palazzo Pubblico, the complex of Santa Maria della Scala, the Water Museum, the 17 museums of Contrada.

By visiting these museums you can make a journey into the daily civic life of the Sienese people: we will know the system of government of the Sienese Republic, the system of care and education, the water supply system in a city without rivers, the internal organization of the Contrade which are like small autonomous realities.

In Siena, there is no shortage of art galleries and for this, you can take guided visits to the museums of Siena specifically dedicated to Sienese art.

guided tours museums siena

National Art Gallery

The Pinacoteca Nazionale, for example, is the most important national museum in Siena in terms of exhibited works of art. By visiting the Pinacoteca, you can take a journey through the history of Sienese art for several centuries.

From Buoninsegna to Lorenzetti

Rare thirteenth-century altarpieces are preserved here, works by the founder of the Sienese art Duccio da Buoninsegna, masterpieces by Simone Martini and the brothers Pietro and Ambrogio Lorenzetti.

The Sienese 15th century

In the Pinacoteca, there are admirable examples of the Sienese fifteenth century and works that explain how the Florentine Renaissance was accepted in Siena. The Pinacoteca is a not very frequented museum and therefore allows you to visit it in complete tranquility.

Ideas and proposals for guided tours

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